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Nové pridané hry
Boxboy! + Boxgirl! - Arkáda / ,Switch
Dragon's Lair trilogy - Arkáda / ,Switch
Runa & The Chaikurú Legacy - Akcia / PC,PS5,Xbox Series X|S,Switch
#DRIVE Rally - Racing / PC,PS4,Xbox One,Switch,Xbox Series X|S,PS5
暖雪 Warm Snow - Akcia / PC,PS4,Xbox One,PS5,Xbox Series X|S,Switch
1000xRESIST - Adventúra / PC,Switch
12 minutes - Adventúra / PC,PS4,Xbox One,Xbox Series X|S,PS5,Switch (2021)
1-2 Switch - Párty hra / ,Switch (2017)
13 Sentinels: Aegis Rim - Akcia / PS4,Switch (2020)
1971 Project Helios - Stratégia / PC,PS4,Xbox One,Switch (2020)
3 Minutes to Midnight - Adventúra / PC,PS4,Xbox One,PS5,Xbox Series X|S,Switch
30 Birds - Logická / PC,Switch
35MM - Adventúra /Akcia / PC,PS4,Xbox One,Switch
51 Worldwide Games - Párty hra / ,Switch
9 Monkeys of Shaolin - Bojovka /Akcia / PC,PS4,Xbox One,Switch
9 Years of Shadows - Akčná Adventúra / PC,Switch (2023)
9th Dawn III - Akcia /RPG / PC,PS4,Xbox One,Switch,Android,iOS
A Dark Room - Adventúra / ,Switch
A Highland Song - Adventúra / PC,Switch (2022)
A Juggler's Tale - Akčná Adventúra / PC,PS4,Xbox One,Switch (2021)
A Little Golf Journey - Šport / PC,Switch (2021)
A Plague Tale: Requiem - Akčná Adventúra / PC,Switch,Xbox Series X|S,PS5 (2022)
A Tale Of Paper - Akcia /Logická / PC,Xbox One,PS5,Xbox Series X|S,Switch
ABS vs The Blood Queen / PC,Switch (2020)
Absolum - Akcia /RPG / PC,PS4,Switch,PS5
Ace Attorney Investigations Collection - Adventúra / PC,PS4,Switch
Ace Combat 7 - Akcia /Arkáda / PC,PS4,Xbox One,Switch (2019)
Actraiser Renaissance - Akcia / PC,PS4,Xbox One,Switch (2021)
Adome - Akčná Adventúra / PC,PS4,Xbox One,Switch
Advance Wars 1+2: Re-Boot Camp - Stratégia / ,Switch (2023)
Adventure Time: Pirates of the Enchiridion - Akčná Adventúra / PC,PS4,Xbox One,Switch (2018)
Adventures Of Chris - Akcia / PC,Switch
Aeolis Tournament - Akcia / PC,PS4,Xbox One,Switch
Aeon Must Die - Akcia / PC,PS4,Xbox One,Switch (2021)
Aerial_Knight's Never Yield - Arkáda /Skákačka / PC,PS4,Xbox One,PS5,Xbox Series X|S,Switch,Android,iOS (2021)
Aeterna Lucis - Akcia / PC,Xbox Series X|S,PS5,Switch
Aeterna Noctis - Akcia / PS4,PS5,Xbox Series X|S,PC,Switch
Aeternoblade II - Akcia / PS4,Xbox One,Switch
AEW: Fight Forever - Bojovka / PC,PS4,Xbox One,Switch,Xbox Series X|S,PS5 (2023)
Afterimage - Akcia / PC,PS4,Xbox One,Xbox Series X|S,PS5,Switch (2023)
Agatha Christie – Hercule Poirot: The London Case - Adventúra / PC,PS4,Xbox One,Switch,Xbox Series X|S,PS5 (2023)
Ageless Partnership - Akcia / PC,Switch
Agent Intercept - Racing / Xbox One,PS4,PC,Switch,Xbox Series X|S,PS5 (2022)
Achtung! Cthulhu Tactics - Stratégia /Taktická / PC,PS4,Xbox One,Switch (2018)
AI: The Somnium Files - Adventúra / PC,PS4,Switch
AI: The Somnium Files - Adventúra / PC,PS4,Switch (2019)
Air Missions: HIND - Akcia /Simulácia / PC,Xbox One,Switch,Slovenské hry (2017)
Airhead / PC,PS4,Xbox One,Switch,Xbox Series X|S,PS5 (2024)
Aka - Adventúra / PC,Switch (2022)
Akiba’s Trib: Hellbound & Debriefed - Akcia / PS4,PC,Switch
Akka Arrh - Akcia / PC,PS4,Xbox One,Xbox Series X|S,PS5,Switch (2023)
AK-xolotl - Akcia / PC,PS4,Xbox One,Switch,Xbox Series X|S,PS5 (2023)
Alaloth: Champions of The Four Kingdoms - RPG /Akcia / PC,PS4,Xbox One,Switch (2024)
Alex Kidd in Miracle World DX - Arkáda / PC,PS4,Xbox One,Switch,Xbox Series X|S,PS5 (2021)
Alfred Hitchcock: Vertigo - Adventúra / PC,PS4,Xbox One,Switch (2021)
Aliens: Fireteam Elite - Akcia / PC,PS4,Xbox One,Xbox Series X|S,PS5,Switch (2021)
Aliisha: The Oblivion Of Twin Goddesses - Adventúra / ,Switch (2022)
All-Star Fruit Racing - Racing / Xbox One,PS4,Switch (2018)
Alpaca Ball: Allstars - Šport / PC,Switch
Aluna: Sentinel of the Shards - RPG /Akcia / PC,PS4,Xbox One,Switch
American Fugitive - Akčná Adventúra / PC,PS4,Xbox One,Switch (2019)
Among the Sleep - Adventúra /Survival / PC,PS4,Xbox One,Switch
Among Us - Párty hra /Akcia / PC,Switch (2019)
Andro Dunos 2 - Akcia /Arkáda / PC,PS4,Xbox One,Switch
Anglerfish - Akčná Adventúra /Survival / PC,PS4,PS5,Switch
Angry Alligator - Akcia / PS4,PS5,Switch
Anima Song from Abyss - Akcia /RPG / PC,PS4,Xbox One,PS5,Xbox Series X|S,Switch (2024)
Animal Crossing: New Horizons - Simulácia / ,Switch (2020)
Animal Rescue - Adventúra / PC,PS4,Xbox One,PS5,Xbox One X,Switch
Another Code: Recollection - Adventúra / ,Switch (2024)
Another Crab's Treasure - Akcia / PC,Xbox One,Switch,Xbox Series X|S,PS5 (2024)
Another World - Akčná Adventúra / ,Switch
Anyaroth The Queen's Tyranny - Akcia /Skákačka / PC,Switch (2023)
AO Tennis 2 - Šport / PC,PS4,Xbox One,Switch (2019)
Ape Out / PC,Switch (2019)
Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney Trilogy - Adventúra /Kompilácia / PC,PS4,Xbox One,Switch
Apsulov: End of Gods - Akčná Adventúra / PC,PS4,Xbox One,Xbox Series X|S,Switch,PS5
Arc of Alchemist - RPG / PS4,Switch (2020)
Arcade Paradise - Arkáda / PC,PS4,Xbox One,Switch,Xbox One X,PS5 (2022)
Arcade Spirits: The New Challengers - Adventúra / PC,PS4,Xbox One,Switch,Xbox Series X|S,PS5 (2022)
Arcana of Paradise - The Tower - Stratégia /RPG / PC,Switch (2023)
Arco - Akčná Adventúra /Taktická / PC,Switch
Are You Smarter Than A 5th Grader? - Logická / PC,PS4,Xbox One,Switch,PS5,Xbox Series X|S
Archer Maclean's DropZone 40th Anniversary Edition - Arkáda / PC,Switch,Xbox Series X|S,PS5 (2024)
ARK: Survival Evolved - Akcia /Survival / PC,PS4,Xbox One,Switch (2017)
Arkanoid: Eternal Battle / PC,PS4,Xbox One,Switch,Xbox Series X|S,PS5 (2022)
Arkham Horror: Mother's Embrace / PC,PS4,Xbox One,Switch
ARMS - Akcia / ,Switch (2017)
Arranger: A Role-Puzzling Adventure - RPG /Logická / PC,PS5,Switch
Arrest of a Stone Buddha - Akcia / PC,Switch
Ary and The Seecret of Seasons - Akčná Adventúra / PC,PS4,Xbox One,Switch (2020)
Ash of Gods: The Way - Stratégia /Ťahová / PC,Switch (2023)
Ashen Knights: Foreshadow - RPG /Akcia / PC,PS4,Xbox One,Switch
Asphalt 9 Legends - Racing / Mobil,PC,Xbox One,Windows,Xbox Series X|S,Switch (2018)
Asphalt Legends Unite - Racing / PC,PS4,Xbox One,PS5,Xbox Series X|S,Switch (2024)
Aspire: Ina's Tale - Akcia /Logická / PC,Xbox One,Switch (2021)
Assassin's Creed III Remastered - Akčná Adventúra / PC,PS4,Xbox One,Switch
Asterix & Obelix XXL 2 (remaster) - Akcia / PC,PS4,Xbox One,Switch (2018)
Asterix & Obelix XXL Romastered - Akčná Adventúra / PC,PS4,Xbox One,Switch (2020)
Asterix & Obelix XXXL: The Ram From Hibernia - Akčná Adventúra / PC,PS4,PS5,Xbox Series X|S,Switch (2022)
Asterix & Obelix: Heroes - RPG / PC,PS4,Xbox One,Switch,Xbox Series X|S,PS5 (2023)
Asterix & Obelix: Slap them All! - Arkáda / PC,PS4,Xbox One,Switch (2021)
Asteroids Recharged - Akcia / PC,PS4,Xbox One,Switch (2021)
Astor: Blade of the Monolith - RPG /Akcia / PC,PS4,Xbox One,PS5,Xbox Series X|S,Switch (2024)
Astral Ascent - Akcia / PC,PS4,PS5,Switch
Astral Chain / ,Switch (2019)
Astria Ascending - Akcia /RPG / PC,PS4,Xbox One,PS5,Xbox Series X|S,Switch (2021)
Atari 50: The Anniversary Celebration - Kompilácia / PC,PS4,Xbox One,Xbox Series X|S,PS5,Switch (2022)
Atelier Dusk DX Trilogy - RPG / PC,PS4,Switch
Atelier Marie Remake: Alchemist of Salburg - RPG / PC,PS4,Switch,PS5 (2023)
Atelier Mysterious Trilogy DX - Kompilácia /RPG / PC,PS4,Switch
Atelier Ryza 2: Lost Legends & the Secret Fairy - RPG / PC,PS4,PS5,Switch (2020)
Atelier Ryza 3 - RPG / ,Switch (2023)
Atelier Yumia: The Alchemist... - RPG / PC,PS4,Xbox One,Xbox Series X|S,PS5,Switch
ATONE: Heart of the Elder Tree - RPG / PC,PS4,Switch (2023)
Automachef - Logická / PC,Switch (2019)
AVICII Invector / PC,PS4,Xbox One,Switch (2019)
AWAY: Journey to the Unexpected - Akcia / PC,PS4,Xbox One,Switch
Axiom Verge 2 - Akcia / PC,Switch (2021)
Ayo The Clown - Akčná Adventúra / PC,Switch
Aztech: Forgotten Gods - Akcia / PC,PS4,Xbox One,Xbox Series X|S,PS5,Switch (2022)
Azure Striker GUNVOLT 3 - Akcia / ,Switch (2022)
Baba Is You - Logická / PC,Switch
Baby Shark: Sing & Swim Party - Akcia /Párty hra / PC,PS4,Xbox One,PS5,Xbox Series X|S,Switch
Backfirewall_ - Adventúra / PC,PS4,Xbox One,Switch,Xbox Series X|S,PS5 (2023)
BADA Space Station - Akcia / PC,PS4,Xbox One,PS5,Switch,Xbox One X
Bahamut and the Waqwaq Tree - Adventúra / PC,PS4,Xbox One,Xbox Series X|S,PS5,Switch (2025)
Bakugan: Champions of Vestroia - RPG / ,Switch (2020)
Balan Wonderworld / PC,PS4,Xbox One,Xbox Series X|S,Switch,PS5 (2021)
Balatro - Logická / PC,PS4,Xbox One,PS5,Xbox Series X|S,Switch (2024)
Bang-On Balls: Chronicles - Arkáda / PC,PS4,Xbox One,PS5,Xbox Series X|S,Switch (2023)
Barbie Project Friendship - Párty hra / PC,PS4,Xbox One,Switch,Xbox Series X|S,PS5 (2024)
Bare Butt Boxing - Akcia / PC,Switch (2024)
Baron: Fur Is Gonna Fly - Akcia / PC,Xbox One,Switch (2020)
Bat Boy - Akcia / PC,PS4,Xbox One,Xbox Series X|S,PS5,Switch (2023)
Baten Kaitos I & II HD Remaster / PC,Switch (2023)
Batora: Lost Haven - RPG /Akcia / PC,PS4,Xbox One,Switch,Xbox Series X|S,PS5 (2022)
Battle Hunters - RPG /Taktická / PC,Switch (2020)
Battle Chasers: Nightwar - RPG /Ťahová / PC,PS4,Xbox One,Switch (2017)
Battle Planet: Judgement Day - Arkáda /Akcia / PC,PS4,Switch (2019)
Battle Princess Madelyn - Arkáda / PC,PS4,Xbox One,WiiU,Switch,PS Vita (2018)
Battle Supremacy - Ground Assault - Akcia /Multiplayer / ,Switch,iOS
Bayonetta 3 - Akcia / ,Switch (2022)
BDSM: Big Drunk Satanic Massacre - Akcia / PC,PS4,Switch (2019)
Beacon Pines - Adventúra / PC,Switch,Xbox Series X|S (2022)
Beach Buggy Racing 2: Island Adventure - Racing / PC,PS4,Xbox One,Switch
Bear With Me - Adventúra / PC,PS4,Xbox One,Switch (2016)
Beasts of Maravilla Island - Adventúra / PC,PS4,Xbox One,Switch
Beat Cop - Adventúra / PC,PS4,Xbox One,Switch (2017)
Ben 10: Power Trip - Akcia / PC,PS4,Xbox One,Switch
Berserk Boy - Akcia / PC,Switch (2024)
Berzerk: Recharged - Akcia / PC,PS4,Xbox One,Switch,Xbox Series X|S,PS5 (2023)
Best Served Cold - Adventúra / PC,PS5,Xbox Series X|S,Switch
Between Horizons - Adventúra / PC,PS5,Xbox Series X|S,Switch (2024)
Beyond Galaxyland - RPG /Ťahová / PC,PS4,Xbox One,PS5,Xbox Series X|S,Switch (2024)
Beyond Good and Evil 2 - Akčná Adventúra / PC,PS4,Xbox One,Switch
Beyond Good and Evil 20th Anniversary Edition - Akčná Adventúra / PC,PS4,Xbox One,Switch,Xbox Series X|S,PS5 (2024)
Beyond the Ice Palace 2 - Akcia / PC,PS4,Xbox One,PS5,Xbox Series X|S,Switch
Big Brain Academy: Brain vs. Brain - Logická / ,Switch (2021)
Big Rumble Boxing: Creed Champions - Šport / PC,PS4,Xbox One,Switch (2021)
Bioframe Outpost - Akčná Adventúra / PC,PS4,Xbox One,PS5,Xbox Series X|S,Switch
Biomorph - Akcia / PC,Switch (2024)
Biped - Logická /Akcia / PC,PS4,Switch
Birger's Tale - Akčná Adventúra / PC,Xbox Series X|S,PS5,Switch (2023)
Bish Bash Bots - Stratégia / PC,PS4,Xbox One,Switch,PS5,Xbox Series X|S
Bite The Bullet - Akcia / PC,Xbox One,Switch
Black Book - RPG /Adventúra / PC,PS4,Xbox One,Switch (2021)
Black Future '88 - Akcia / PC,Switch (2019)
Black Legend - RPG /Ťahová / PC,PS4,Xbox One,Switch,Xbox Series X|S,PS5 (2021)
Black Skylands - Akcia /RPG / PC,PS4,Xbox One,Xbox Series X|S,PS5,Switch
Blacksad: Under the Skin - Adventúra / PC,PS4,Xbox One,Switch (2019)
Blackwind - Akcia / PC,PS4,Xbox One,PS5,Xbox Series X|S,Switch (2022)
Blade Assault - Akcia / PC,PS4,Switch (2021)
Blade Chimera - Akcia / PC,Switch (2025)
Blade Runner: Enhanced Edition - Adventúra / PC,PS4,Xbox One,Switch (2020)
Blades of Time - Akcia / Xbox 360,PC,PS3,Switch (2012)
Blalster Master Zero 2 - Akcia / ,Switch (2019)
Blanc - Adventúra / PC,Switch (2023)
Blasphemous 2 - Akcia /RPG / PC,Switch,Xbox Series X|S,PS5 (2023)
Blast Brigade - Akcia / PC,PS4,Xbox One,PS5,Xbox Series X|S,Switch
Blaster Master Zero - Akcia /Arkáda / ,Switch
Blaster Master Zero 3 - Akcia / PC,PS4,Switch (2021)
Blazing Chrome - Akcia / PC,PS4,Xbox One,Switch (2019)
Blazing Strike - Bojovka / PC,PS4,Switch,PS5 (2024)
Bleak Sword DX - Akcia /RPG / PC,Switch (2023)
Blind Fate: Edo No Yami - Akcia / PC,PS4,Xbox One,PS5,Switch
Blood Bowl 3 - Šport /Ťahová / PC,PS4,Xbox One,PS5,Xbox Series X|S,Switch (2023)
Blood will be Spilled - Akcia /Taktická / PC,Switch,Slovenské hry (2019)
BloodRayne Rewamped - Akčná Adventúra / Xbox One,PS4,PS5,Xbox Series X|S,Switch (2021)
Bloodroots / PC,PS4,Xbox One,Switch (2019)
Bloodshore - Adventúra / PC,PS4,Xbox One,Switch,iOS
Bloodstained: Curse of the Moon - Akcia / PC,PS4,Xbox One,3DS,Switch (2018)
Bloodstained: Curse of the Moon 2 - Akcia / PC,PS4,Xbox One,Switch (2020)
Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night - RPG / PC,PS4,Xbox One,Switch,PS Vita (2019)
Blue Fire - Akcia / PC,PS4,Xbox One,Switch
Blue Reflection: Second Light - Akčná Adventúra / PC,PS4,Switch (2021)
Bomb Rush Cyberfunk - Akčná Adventúra / PC,Switch (2022)
Bonfire Peaks - Logická / PC,PS4,PS5,Switch
Najpopulárnejšie hry (filter)
Minecraft - Simulácia / PC,PS3,PS4,Xbox 360,Xbox One,WiiU,3DS,PC,Mobil,Android,iOS,Windows,Switch (2011)
Fortnite - Akcia/Multiplayer / PC,PS4,Xbox One,Switch,Free2play (2017)
Metroid Prime 4: Beyond - Akcia / ,Switch (2025)
Bahamut and the Waqwaq Tree - Adventúra / PC,PS4,Xbox One,Xbox Series X|S,PS5,Switch (2025)
System Shock 2: 25th Anniversary Remaster - Akcia/RPG / PC,PS4,Xbox One,Switch,Xbox Series X|S,PS5 (2025)
Breakout Beyond - Arkáda / PC,PS4,Xbox One,Switch,Xbox Series X|S,PS5 (2025)
Grit and Valor - 1949 - Stratégia / PC,PS5,Xbox Series X|S,Switch (2025)
I Hate This Place - Akčná Adventúra / PC,Switch,Xbox Series X|S,PS5 (2025)
Once Upon a Puppet - Adventúra/Logická / PC,Switch,Xbox Series X|S,PS5 (2025)
Ruffy and the Riverside - Akčná Adventúra / PC,Xbox Series X|S,PS5,Switch (2025)
Double Dragon Gaiden: Rise of the Dragons - Akcia / PC,PS4,Xbox One,Switch,Xbox Series X|S,PS5 (2023)
Onimusha 2: Samurai's Destiny Remaster - Akcia / PC,PS4,Xbox One,Switch (2025)
Polterguys: Possession Party - Akcia/Multiplayer / PC,PS4,PS5,Xbox Series X|S,Switch (2025)
Nikoderiko - /Skákačka / PC,Switch,Xbox Series X|S,PS5 (2024)
INAYAH - Life after Gods - Akcia / PC,Switch,Xbox Series X|S,PS5
Captain Soda - Akcia / PC,Xbox One,Xbox Series X|S,Switch
Asphalt Legends Unite - Racing / PC,PS4,Xbox One,PS5,Xbox Series X|S,Switch (2024)
Prince of Persia: The Lost Crown / PC,PS4,Xbox One,Switch,Xbox Series X|S,PS5 (2024)
Rocket League - Šport/Racing / PC,PS4,Xbox One,PS5,Xbox Series X|S,Switch (2016)
Witchbrook - Simulácia / PC,Xbox One,Xbox Series X|S,Switch (2025)
Bubble Ghost Remake - Akčná Adventúra / PC,Switch (2025)
Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver 1-2 Remastered / PC,PS4,Xbox One,Switch,Xbox Series X|S,PS5 (2024)
FATE: Reawakened - RPG / PC,PS4,Xbox One,Switch,Xbox Series X|S,PS5 (2025)
Star Wars: Hunters - Akcia / ,Switch (2024)
Hogwarts Legacy - Akčná Adventúra/RPG / PC,PS4,Xbox One,PS5,Xbox Series X|S,Switch (2023)
Civilization VII - Stratégia / PC,Switch,Xbox Series X|S,PS5 (2025)
Promise Mascot Agency - RPG/Adventúra / PC,PS5,Xbox Series X|S,Switch (2025)
Patapon 1+2 Replay - /Hudba / PC,Switch,PS5 (2025)
Ship of Fools - Akčná Adventúra / PC,Switch,Xbox Series X|S,PS5 (2022)
Battle Princess Madelyn - Arkáda / PC,PS4,Xbox One,WiiU,Switch,PS Vita (2018)
SpongeBob: Battle for Bikini Bottom - Akčná Adventúra / PC,PS4,Xbox One,Switch (2020)
Yooka-Replaylee - /Skákačka / PC,Xbox Series X|S,PS5,Switch (2025)
Just Dance 2019 - Párty hra / Xbox One,PS4,Xbox 360,Wii,WiiU,Switch (2018)
The Knightling - Akčná Adventúra / PC,Switch,Xbox Series X|S,PS5 (2025)
Pixelshire - Simulácia / PC,PS5,Switch (2025)
RollerCoaster Tycoon 3: Complete Edition - Managementová / PC,Switch (2020)
Phantom Breaker: Battle Grounds Ultimate - Akcia / PC,PS4,Xbox One,Switch,Xbox Series X|S,PS5 (2025)
Open Roads - Adventúra / PC,PS4,Xbox One,Switch,Xbox Series X|S,PS5 (2024)
MLB The Show 25 - Šport / ,Xbox Series X|S,PS5,Switch (2025)
The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild - Akčná Adventúra / WiiU,Switch (2017)
Mortal Kombat 1 - Bojovka / PC,PS5,Xbox Series X|S,Switch (2023)
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Shredder’s Revenge - Akcia / PC,PS4,Xbox One,Switch (2022)
The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom - Akčná Adventúra / ,Switch (2023)
Sugardew Island - Your Cozy Farm Shop - Managementová/Simulácia / PC,PS4,PS5,Xbox Series X|S,Switch (2025)
Orphans - Akčná Adventúra/Logická / PC,PS4,Xbox One,PS5,Xbox Series X|S,Switch (2025)
Shakedown: Hawaii - Akcia / PC,PS4,Switch (2017)
Suikoden I&II HD Remaster - RPG / PC,PS4,Xbox One,Switch,Xbox Series X|S,PS5 (2025)
Demon Slayer - The Hinokami Chronicles 2 - Akcia / PC,PS4,Xbox One,PS5,Xbox Series X|S,Switch (2025)
Little Nightmares III - Logická/Skákačka / PC,PS4,Xbox One,PS5,Xbox Series X|S,Switch (2025)
MIO: Memories in Orbit - Akčná Adventúra / PC,Switch,Xbox Series X|S,PS5 (2025)
Wasteland Waste Disposal - /Survival / PC,Switch (2026)
Heroes of Mount Dragon - Akcia / PC,Switch (2025)
Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 3+4 - Šport / PC,PS4,Xbox One,Switch,Xbox Series X|S,PS5 (2025)
Shotgun Cop Man - Akcia / PC,Switch (2025)
Shinobi: Art of Vengeance - Akcia / PC,PS4,Xbox One,Switch,Xbox Series X|S,PS5 (2025)
The Perfect Pencil - Arkáda/Skákačka / PC,Switch (2025)
Pokémon Legends: Z-A - RPG / ,Switch,Switch 2 (2025)
The Transylvania Adventure of Simon Quest - Akcia / PC,PS4,Xbox One,PS5,Xbox Series X|S,Switch (2025)
Whirlight - No Time To Trip - Adventúra / PC,PS4,Xbox One,PS5,Xbox Series X|S,Switch (2025)
The House of The Dead 2: Remake - Akcia / PC,PS4,Xbox One,Xbox Series X|S,PS5,Switch (2025)
Chronicles of the Wolf - Akčná Adventúra / PC,PS4,Xbox One,Switch,Xbox Series X|S,PS5 (2025)
Fatal Run 2089 - Racing / PC,Switch,Xbox Series X|S,PS5 (2025)
Paraside: Duality Unbound - Stratégia/Ťahová / PC,PS4,Switch,Xbox Series X|S,PS5 (2025)
Fear the Spotlight - Akčná Adventúra / PC,PS5,Xbox Series X|S,Switch (2025)
NINJA GAIDEN: Ragebound - Akcia/Skákačka / PC,PS4,Xbox One,Xbox Series X|S,PS5,Switch (2025)
Slave Zero X - Akcia / PC,PS4,Xbox One,Switch,Xbox Series X|S,PS5 (2024)
Forgotlings - Akčná Adventúra / PC,Xbox Series X|S,PS5,Switch (2025)
Red Dead Redemption - Akcia / PC,PS3,Xbox 360,Switch,PS4 (2010)
The Last Ninja Collection - Akcia / PC,PS4,PS5,Switch,Xbox Series X|S (2025)
Cosmi: Forbidden Forests - Kompilácia / PC,Switch,PS5 (2025)
Vessels Of Decay - Akčná Adventúra / PC,PS4,Xbox One,PS5,Xbox Series X|S,Switch
Dead by Daylight - Akcia/Multiplayer / PC,PS4,Xbox One,Switch,PS5,Xbox Series X|S (2016)
Warframe - Adventúra/Multiplayer / PC,PS4,Xbox One,Switch,Free2play (2012)
Fallen Tear: The Ascension - Akcia / PC,Xbox Series X|S,PS5,Switch (2026)
Doom Eternal - Akcia / PC,PS4,Xbox One,Switch (2020)
EA Sports FC24 - Šport / PC,PS4,Xbox One,PS5,Xbox Series X|S,Switch (2023)
Overwatch 2 - Akcia/Multiplayer / PC,PS4,Xbox One,Switch (2022)
My Hero Ultra Rumble - Akcia / PC,PS4,Xbox One,Switch
Dordogne - Adventúra / PC,PS4,Xbox One,Switch,PS5,Xbox Series X|S
EA Sports FC25 - Šport / PC,PS4,Xbox One,PS5,Xbox Series X|S,Switch (2024)
ARK: Survival Evolved - Akcia/Survival / PC,PS4,Xbox One,Switch (2017)
Civilization VI - Stratégia/Ťahová / PC,PS4,Xbox One,Switch (2016)
DRAGON QUEST I & II HD-2D Remake - RPG / PC,Switch,Xbox Series X|S,PS5 (2025)
Everybody's Golf: Hot Shots - Šport / PC,Switch,PS5 (2025)
Vigor - Akcia/Survival / PC,PS4,Xbox One,Switch,PS5,Free2play (2018)
Green Hell - Akcia/Survival / PC,PS4,Xbox One,Switch,PS5,Xbox Series X|S (2019)
Mortal Kombat 11 - Bojovka / PC,PS4,Xbox One,Switch,PS5,Xbox One X (2019)
Grounded - Akcia/Survival / PC,Xbox One,PS5,Switch (2022)
Ace Combat 7 - Akcia/Arkáda / PC,PS4,Xbox One,Switch (2019)
Warface - Akcia / PC,PS4,Xbox One,Switch (2013)
GTA: The Trilogy – The Definitive Edition - Akčná Adventúra / PC,PS4,Xbox One,Switch (2021)
Fortnite: Battle Royale - Akcia/Multiplayer / PC,PS4,Xbox One,Switch,Free2play (2017)
Payday 2 - Akcia / PC,PS3,Xbox 360,Switch (2013)
Saviorless - Akcia / PC,PS5,Switch
Bulánci 2.0 - Akcia / PC,PS4,Xbox One,Switch,Xbox Series X|S,PS5
Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice - Akčná Adventúra / PC,PS4,Xbox One,Switch (2017)
L.A. Noire - Akcia/Triler / Xbox 360,PC,PS3,PS4,Xbox One,Switch (2011)
A Plague Tale: Requiem - Akčná Adventúra / PC,Switch,Xbox Series X|S,PS5 (2022)
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