Jeden z vývojárov z Ready at Dawn štúdia hovorí, že PS5 je najrevolučnejšia domáca konzola. Dodáva, že do roka to ocenenia aj hráči. Možno tým chce naznačiť, že Ready at Dawn do roka prinesie pokračovanie Order 1886.
Dollar bet: within a year from its launch gamers will fully appreciate that the PlayStation 5 is one of the most revolutionary, inspired home consoles ever designed, and will feel silly for having spent energy arguing about "teraflops" and other similarly misunderstood specs. 😘
— Andrea Pessino (@AndreaPessino) March 19, 2020
I am enthusiastic about the upcoming console gen - I believe they will allow conception and execution of exponentially more impressive games, and NOT just because they have exponentially better hardware.
— Andrea Pessino (@AndreaPessino) March 19, 2020
A console is more than a sum of specs - of course incremental hardware improvements are important, but abstractions, APIs, integration, and most of all *architecture* are even more so. That's where the biggest innovations are to come in this age of diminishing returns.
— Andrea Pessino (@AndreaPessino) March 19, 2020
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