(mimo 2817 d.)

level 158 - GameGod 2372
Meno: Alexander (m)
When you kill for money, there are no rules. No terms, one condition. To look upon the act of killing with complete indifference is to reach the point at which there are no more barriers left to cross. Everywhere, and before everything, by day and by night, constantly in mind is death. The reality is that the hitman does not exist. He is an illusion, an entity which his enemies cannot see or touch. Supress all compassion and you bear a weapon far greater then any held in the hand of a normal human being. The ruthlessness of the hired killer stems from the belief that his body and mind are not his own. Money talks. Silence pays. Prepare to make a killing. You are my friend, so I will let you have it. But as a friend I beg you not to use it. He will get the job done, he always does. Nothing can stop him. Anything between him and the target goes down. But you cannot call him off, there is no do over. Blood cannot be unspilled. Once you call that number blood is on your hands.
Lokalita: USA
Registrovaný: 15.7.2005


Články užívateľa

| Hitman 4: Blood Money  [preview] [1.9.2005]


 CPU: AMD AThlon 64 3200Mh
 GPU: Ati X800GTO
 Monitor: CRT
 Net: DSL
 Operačný systém: .XP
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