(mimo 4977 d.)

level 30 - Tetrisová kocka 20
Meno: Silvia (ž)
I stumble through the wreckage, rusted from the rain Theres nothing left to salvage, no one left to blame Among the broken mirrors, I dont look the same Im rusted from the rain, Im rusted from the rain Dissect me until my blood runs down into the drain My bitter heart is pumping oil into my veins Im nothing but a tin man, dont feel any pain I dont feel any pain, I dont feel any pain Im rusted from the rain Go on crush me like a flower, rusted from the rain Come on, strip me of my power, beat me with your chains And if Im the king of cowards, youre the queen of pain Im rusted from the rain, Im rusted from the rain You hung me like a picture, now Im just a frame I used to be your lap dog, now Im just a stray Shackled in a graveyard, left here to decay Left here to decay, left here to decay Im rusted from the rain .................
Lokalita: SK
Registrovaný: 13.9.2009
Blog: nevytvorený

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