NASCAR The Game: 2013 už je na trati

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pridal uni 25.7.2013 o 10:26 pod hry
NASCAR The Game: 2013 už je na trati


Rýchle vozidlá v NASCAR The Game: 2013 odštartovali na PC, kde hráčov čakajú oficiálne trate, jazdci a tímy šampionátu Nascar Sprint Cup.

Okrem kariéry a pretekov pre jednotlivca hra ponúka robustný multiplayer pre 16 hráčov. kde sa jazdí sa na vozidlách šiestej generácie. Štart je povolený okamžite po kúpe Nascar The Game 2013 na Steame, kde stojí 36,99 €.

n NASCAR® The Game™: 2013, players can compete in Season and Career modes, along with intense online multiplayer races. Supporting up to 16 players and filled with tough competition, online multiplayer action is where only finely-tuned drivers can survive. The game also includes a detailed and robust paint booth where players can create Gen 6 paint schemes to show off and share with friends. - See more at:
n NASCAR® The Game™: 2013, players can compete in Season and Career modes, along with intense online multiplayer races. Supporting up to 16 players and filled with tough competition, online multiplayer action is where only finely-tuned drivers can survive. The game also includes a detailed and robust paint booth where players can create Gen 6 paint schemes to show off and share with friends. - See more at:

NASCAR The Game: 2013 už je na trati  NASCAR The Game: 2013 už je na trati  NASCAR The Game: 2013 už je na trati
NASCAR The Game: 2013 už je na trati  NASCAR The Game: 2013 už je na trati
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NASCAR The Game: 2013 už je na trati

Vývoj: Eutechnyx
Štýl: Racing
Dátum vydania:  júl 2013
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