Emergency 2014 ohrozia meteority |
Najnovší prírastok zo záchranárskej série pridá misie a recyklovaný obsah z predošlých častí.
Hráči so záchranárskymi sklonmi dostanú ďalšiu príležitosť spasiť ľudské životy a majetky v Emergency 2014: Meteor Rescue.
Najnovší prírastok v sérii je balíčkom misií s novým obsahom, ktorý je zameraný na smrtiace meteority. Asteroid Caligula ohrozuje Zem a pohrome predchádza padanie meteoritov a tak bude treba zachraňovať postihnuté oblasti. Bonusová misia z minulosti zavedie hráčov do roku 1890, keď sa Caligula priblížil k planéte a napáchal škody v okolí farmy a treba si vystačiť s dobovými hasičskými jednotkami.
Krabicová verzia Emergency 2014 ponúkne:
- exkluzívnu minikampaň Emergency 2014 so štyrmi novými, rozsiahlymi misiami
- novú veľkú oblasť pre voľnú hru a multiplayer s rovnakou témou a podmienkami, ako kampaň
- nové jednotky: historický, manuálne ovládaný hasičský stroj s konským povozom, historický hasič, hasičská helikoptéra
- všetky misie, voľná hra a multiplayerové mapy z Emergency 2012 Deluxe
- všetky misie, voľná hra a multiplayerové mapy z Emergency 2013
Okrem plnohodnotného titulu bude Emergency 2014 aj vo forme digitálnej aktualizácie za zníženú cenu pre majiteľov Emergency 2012, 2012 Deluxe a Emergency 2013.
For owners of the previous titles, Emergency 2014 will also be made available as a reasonably-priced upgrade package that can be downloaded from digital distribution platforms (main game Emergency 2012, 2012 Deluxe, or Emergency 2013 required).
Sixteen Tons Entertainment and Deep Silver are also working on even more hot missions for fans of strategic rescue games: Emergency 5 from the popular Emergency series is currently in development and will be released in 2014. “Modding will again be a central feature of Emergency 5, because I know how much our fans love to design their own units and missions. We have already had the Emergency theme re-recorded completely by the Brandenburg State Orchestra for this installment. The piece was well-received at our 20th anniversary celebration in August, where we presented it to our friends from press and community circles,” says Ralph Stock, inventor of the series and Managing Director of the developing studio Sixteen Tons Entertainment.
- See more at: http://canadianonlinegamers.com/2013/10/emergency-2014-meteor-rescue-mission-pack/#sthash.BIKDG0Ih.dpufSixteen Tons Entertainment a Deep Silver popri tom pripravujú ešte dynamickejšie misie pre Emergency 5 s plánovaným vydaním hry v roku 2014.
The asteroid “Caligula” is on a collision course with Earth. Even before the actual impact, meteorites traveling alongside it strike the blue planet. One of these even knocks down the Leaning Tower of Pisa. In three missions, the player’s goal is to regain control of the disaster areas by deploying relief forces. The new fire-fighting helicopter is particularly useful to that end.
For the first time, the pack features a bonus mission for a fire department from days gone by: Caligula comes close to Earth in 1890 and destroys a farmstead in the Rhine Province of the German Empire. The player must deploy a horse-drawn fire engine and historical firefighters in order to prevent the blaze from spreading to the nearest town.
- See more at: http://canadianonlinegamers.com/2013/10/emergency-2014-meteor-rescue-mission-pack/#sthash.BIKDG0Ih.B1DuWiur.dpufFor owners of the previous titles, Emergency 2014 will also be made available as a reasonably-priced upgrade package that can be downloaded from digital distribution platforms (main game Emergency 2012, 2012 Deluxe, or Emergency 2013 required).
Sixteen Tons Entertainment and Deep Silver are also working on even more hot missions for fans of strategic rescue games: Emergency 5 from the popular Emergency series is currently in development and will be released in 2014. “Modding will again be a central feature of Emergency 5, because I know how much our fans love to design their own units and missions. We have already had the Emergency theme re-recorded completely by the Brandenburg State Orchestra for this installment. The piece was well-received at our 20th anniversary celebration in August, where we presented it to our friends from press and community circles,” says Ralph Stock, inventor of the series and Managing Director of the developing studio Sixteen Tons Entertainment.
- See more at: http://canadianonlinegamers.com/2013/10/emergency-2014-meteor-rescue-mission-pack/#sthash.BIKDG0Ih.dpufNAJČÍTANEJŠIE ČLÁNKY TÝŽDŇA |
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Vývoj: Deep Silver / Quadriga Games Štýl: Stratégia | |