Forza Horizon 2 bude mať demo, ukazuje achievementy

Microsoft dnes potvrdil, že Xbox One verzia open world závodnej hry Forza Horizon sa dočká dema

pridal matus_ace 27.8.2014 o 16:43 pod hry
Forza Horizon 2 bude mať demo, ukazuje achievementy


Vydanie open world racingovky Forza Horizon 2 pre Xbox One a Xbox 360 sa blíži a naznačuje to aj čoraz väčšia frekvencia noviniek o hre, ktoré autori vypúšťajú. Microsoft dnes navyše potvrdil, že Xbox One verzia hry sa ešte pred vydaním dočká dema. To by malo vyjsť už 16. septembra. A navyše dnes oficiálna Xbox Wire stránka potvrdila aj kompletný zoznam achievementov v hre. Ani teraz nebudú chýbať zaujímavé Showcase eventy, kedy si zapretekáme napríklad proti vlaku. Forza Horizon 2 vychádza na obe Xbox konzoly už 30. septembra.

Welcome to Horizon Europe Arrive at the Horizon Festival. 10
First of Many Win your first Championship race. 10
Rain Master        Complete your first race in the rain. 10
Wanderlust Complete a Road Trip. 10
Number One Win a Championship. 10
Multi-Disciplined Win an Event in every type of car. 10
The Train's in Vain Beat the Train in a Horizon Showcase Event. 10
Welcome to Castelletto Arrive at Castelletto for the first time. 25
Welcome to Nice Arrive at Nice for the first time. 25
Welcome to Sisteron Arrive at Sisteron for the first time. 25
Welcome to Montellino Arrive at Montellino for the first time. 25
Welcome to Saint-Martin Arrive at Saint-Martin for the first time. 25
Welcome to San Giovanni Arrive at San Giovanni for the first time. 25
Horizon Champion Become the Horizon Champion. 50
Horizon Leader Choose where the Road Trip goes for the first time. 20
Horizon Fan Complete 25 Championships. 20
Horizon Enthusiast Complete 100 Championships. 25
All Your Race Are Belong To Us 2.0 Complete all 168 Championships. 50
Yellow Wristband Obtain the Yellow Wristband. 10
Green Wristband Obtain the Green Wristband. 10
Pink Wristband Obtain the Pink Wristband. 20
Purple Wristband Obtain the Purple Wristband. 30
Gold Wristband Obtain the Gold Wristband. 30
That New Car Smell Buy your first car. 10
Car Lover Have 50 Cars in your Garage. 20
Worthy of a Sultan Have 175 Cars in your Garage. 40
License to Skill Earn 5 Skill Points. 10
Stone Cold Skiller Earn 65 Skill Points. 20
Summer Sale Smash 25 Reward Boards. 10
Smash Happy Collect all Reward Boards. 20
Bragging Rights Beat Friends or Club members on any 20 Speed Cameras. 10
A Wild Drivatar Appears! Win 3 Head-to-Head Races against Drivatars with a Bounty on them. 10
Kick the Bucket Scratch 15 items off your Solo Bucket List. 10
Rest in Peace Complete every Solo Bucket List Challenge. 20
Friends with Benefits Earn a total of 1,000,000 Cr from Rivals. 10
Loyal Earn 500,000 XP for your Club. 25
Human GPS Drive down every road in the game. 10
Photographer Take photos of 100 different cars for Horizon Promo. 20
Storage Hunter Restore 10 Barn Finds. 20
Social Caterpillar Compete in 20 Multiplayer Events. 10
Social Butterfly Compete in 200 Multiplayer Events. 50
On the Road Again Complete an Online Road Trip location. 10
Well Travelled Complete 25 Online Road Trip locations. 30
Yes We Can Complete 25 Bucket List items co-operatively. 30
Fast and Clean Earn the Clean Racing Skill 100 times. 10
Team Player Win 50 Team Events. 30
You Are Playground Games Complete 100 Playground Games Events. 40
We Meet Again! Win a Showdown at every Car Meet. 20
Super Meet Boy Grab a livery, grab a tuning setup, buy a car, and enter a Showdown at any Car Meet. 10
One Down! Complete a Solo Bucket List challenge. 10

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