PROBLEM S EXTERNYM HARDDISKOM [vytvoril: Grogodil - 13.9.2011]
Kupil som si tento harddisk :Verbatim 2TB HDD Portable Externy 3,5” 7200RPM USB 3.0 ...problem je v tom ze asi po 20 sekundach mi vyskoci v pravo dole bublina na ktoru keby som stihol kliknut tak asi by som pravdebodobne autualizoval hned mi naskoci modra obrazovka s tymto textom :check to be sure you have adequate disk space.if a driver is identified in the stop message.disable the driver or check with the manufacturer for driver updates .Try changing video adapters check with your hardware vendor for any Bios updates ,Disable Bios memory options such as caching or shadowing.If you need to use safe mode to remove or disable components,restart your computer, press f8 to select advanced startup options and then select safe mode collecting data for crash dump initializiing disk for crash dump Cez program "Super ovladac" som si stiahol ovladac Realtek usb 2.0 card reader ...naslo mi len tento ,3.0 neviem ci vobec je.... Ked som ten harddisk napojil na druhy vykonnejsi notebook tak islo vsetko v pohode a fakt neviem com moze byt problem. Notebook mam Acer 5735 aspire ....OS Wista... Za kazdu reakciu dakujem a po vyrieseni problemu mozem darovat body na rapid alebo share.rapid ,,Dakujem