Battle royale hra Fear the Wolves ponúka inštruktážne videá, vychádza už v stredu |
Beta Fear the Wolves bola tento víkend zastavená, aby autori dotiahli ďalšie veci v hre a pripravili ju na vydanie v early access.
Beta Fear the Wolves bola tento víkend zastavená, aby autori dotiahli ďalšie veci v hre a pripravili ju na vydanie v early access. To bude už v stredu 18. júla a aby sa hráči naň pripravili ponúkajú autori krátke inštruktážne videá.
Naše dojmy z bety a aj gameplay ukážku sme ponúkli nedávno. Čakajte od toho PUBG štýl battle royale s témou a prostredím Stalkera.
What are your win conditions? Check out the Evacuation gameplay, where players can escape the battlefield via helicopter. Find out how players have been taking on the extraction, and ways to beat them.
— Fear The Wolves (@FTW_thegame) 12. júla 2018
Fear the Wolves enters Steam Early Access on July 18.
Learn more about the wolves in our latest gameplay featurette. Will you run? Or will you risk defending yourself, revealing your position and using up precious ammo?
— Fear The Wolves (@FTW_thegame) 13. júla 2018
Fear the Wolves enters Steam Early Access on July 18.
You’ll need everything you can find to survive. In our latest featurette, learn the benefits of each of the consumables scattered in the devastated environments of Chernobyl!
— Fear The Wolves (@FTW_thegame) 14. júla 2018
Fear the Wolves enters Steam Early Access on July 18.
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Vývoj: Focus Home / Vostok games Štýl: Akcia / Multiplayer
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